Duties & Responsibilities:
A Social worker helps individuals and their families with
their problems in life like serious illness, child abuse, substance abuse,
mental illness, handicaps, juvenile delinquency and anti-social behavior. They have
to make people understand that sometimes the situations cannot be changed. Social
workers work in government, hospitals, clinics, prisons, or the courts. Some of
their duties are interview and counseling individuals, families and groups.
They have to develop a response plan and coordinate responses between civic,
religious, governmental and other organizations.
Salary: $20,000 - $42,000
To become a social worker you should take challenging high
school courses, especially in English, science, and math. Some organizations
may allow a social worker to practice with a bachelor's degree in social work,
however most (including all health and mental health) positions require a
graduate degree. Clinical positions
require additional licensing after the completion of one or two year supervised
Reflection: I dont think i would like to become a social worker because it doesnt seem interesting.