Thursday, February 13, 2014


Duties & Responsibilities:
Opticians Fit Eyeglasses For Patients Based Upon Prescriptions. Opticians Help The Customers Select Eyeglass Frames And Then Measure Their Faces So That Correct Size Frames Can Be Ordered.  An Optician Measures The Distance Between The Corneas Of The Eyes So That The Lenses Is Fitted To The Frame. Some Opticians Specialize In The Fitting Of Contact Lens And Also In Fitting Artificial Eyes. 

Salary: $19,000 - $40,000

 To Become An Optician You Should Take High School Classes In Physics, Algebra, Mechanical Drawing, And Geometry. A High School Diploma Or Ged Certificate Is Needed To Begin Training As An Optician.  There Are Two Types Of Training Programs. 

I dont think i would be happy working as an optician, because it doesnt catch my attention working with people's eyes and glasses.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Student Success Statement

"No student ever attains eminet success by simply doing what is required of him/her; it is the amount and excellence of what is over and above the required taht determines the greatness of ultimate distinction."
-Charles Kendall Adams, American Historian

This Quote Is Saying Nobody Succeeds With Just Doing What Is Required. Most People Succeed Because They Over Achieve What Is Required. The Successful People Are Usually Distinguish By Thinking Out The Box And Doing Something Else. Most Successful Most Are The Ones Who Are Known For The Excellence They Have Done. For Example, Kids Who Like To Get Straight A's Dont Only Do What Is Required, They Also Think Out The Box And See In What Other Ways They Can Improve Or Over Achieve The Assignment.

Optical Laboratory Technician

Duties & Responsibilities: 
What an Optical laboratory technician does is, they grind and fit eyeglass lenses with the corresponding prescription written by the ophthalmologists or optometrists. In order for the glass lens wont have blanks, they get polish when an optical laboratory technician sets lens grinding machines. Technicians fit the the polished lens into eyeglass frames. 

Salary: $15,000 - $20,000

Educational Requirments: 
to become an optical laboratory technician you are required a high school diploma or a GED. These are needed to begin optical laboratory training.

I don't think i would like to become an Optical laboratory technician because i dont like anything that has to deal with glasses. 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Student Success Statement

"Doing what is right, fair and honorable is more important than winning or losing."
- Chick Moorman

This quote means to me that it doesnt matter weather you win or lose. The the most important thing to do is to always be fair in life, always be honorable and do whats right. Doing these 3 things will make you feel good because even if you didnt win anything, you know you did the right thing. For example, if you cheat and you win you will feel guilty, but if you do right and be honest , and if you win or lose you'll feel great.

Free Lamps Post Weekend

My weekend was great. On Friday we watched movies at home with my family. Then on Saturday we to go eat in the morning and after we watched some soccer games and then we watched a little bit of the olympics. On Sunday i went to go run with the Marquez SRLA team at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena. Not only that, on my weekend i read my Life Palnning Goals for at least 5 mins aday.


Duties & Responsibilities:
An Ophthalmologist is responsible to specialize in the treatment of eye disorders and diseases.  They treat vision problems and write prescriptions for both pharmaceuticals and corrective eyeglass lenses.  When necessary, they perform eye surgery. 
Salary: $90,000 - $150,000

Only physicians may study to become ophthalmologists.  After completing medical school, an ophthalmologist must then complete a three to five year residency in an approved ophthalmology program.  After completing their residency program they must pass an examination to be certified.

I think I would consider becoming an Ophthalmologist because their duties seemd really interesting. I think working with the human eyes is really intense and it seems like a good career.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Student Success Statement

"Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you. Never excuse yourself."
-Henry Ward Beecher

To quote means to me that you shouldnt depend on what other think of you or what others are doing. You should also be yourself and do better than what other people believe you can only accomplish. You should never have an excuse for yourself, just always do better.

Ophthalmic Technician

Duties & Resposibilities:
Ophthalmic technicians help ophthalmologist collect data and measurements to provide them to do the correct diagnosis and the right treatment of eye diseases and problem. An ophthalmic technician performs in simple eye exams, they assist witrh eye surgery and they explain the diagnostic and the treatment procedures to the patients.

Salary: $14,000 - $25,000

To become an ophthalmic technician you must have a high school diploma or a GED certificate and two years of college prior to beginning ophthalmic training programs. These programs can take up to 2 years to complete.

I think becoming an Ophthalmic technician would be a good thing to do, because i think it is interesting learning all this new things on the Eye. the job as well doesnt look that complex and not that much education is required.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Student Success Statement

"Goal setting is goal getting. Set and Get."
- Mark Victor Hansen
To me this quote means that in order for us to succeed with our goals, we must first set our goals. It will be easier if we make and list and set our goals, because that way we can look at them everyday and read them over and over again. We prepare ourselves for these goals by reading and practice them, we are one step closer to getting the goal reached. For example, we wrote 100 goals for this class and we read them everyday for at least 2 minutes and so far i have accomplished on goal and im getting closer to accomplishing one of my biggest goals. 

Progress Report On 100 Goals

So far I am getting close to accomplishing one of my toughest goals. One of my toughest goalsm to finsih the LA Marathon in 3 hrs & 20 mins or less. I am preparing myself by running at least 5 times a week at good pace. We have an 18 mile race in 2 weeks, that would help me prepare myself even more and encourage me to accomplish my goal. Some of the plans I have and I am currently doing is, that I am eating healthy and i haven't drank soda in like 7 months. I will accomplish this goal and i will acomplish the rest of my goals!!

Operating Room Technicians

Duties & Responsibilities:
An operating room technicians assist in preparing operating rooms for surgery. They are responsible for having surgical instruments, sterile bandages and linens, needed fluids and other equipment that is need for a surgery. During a surgery, an operating room technician may help the doctors by passing them the tools needed during the surgery. They also take specimens to hospitals laboratories for analysis. An operating room technician is alson called a surgical technician or a surgical technologist.

Average Salary: $16,000 - $22,000

Educational Requirements: 
To become an operating room technicians, it is required to have a high school diploma or GED certified. You need 2 years of training in medical terminology, physiology, and sterilization methods. Ater the training you msut pass an examination by the Association of Surgical Technologists to become certified.

I think become an operating room technician would be a good thing to do. I think its an easy job keeping things in order  and be really organized and it will be easier for the doctors to get done with the surgury. i would like to become an operating room technician.